You can literally buy anything on the Internet – including a man for the night!
But do male escorts make a perfect date, or are they just for show? Take5’s Amy Bratley Hired one to find out…
If you type “male escort” into a search engine on the web, a mind-boggling number of sites pop up offering erotic massage, mind-blowing sex and kinky fun. And for those women who don’t fancy the idea of a male prostitute, there are male escort services for the “perfect date.”
Ignoring the sleaziest sites, I visit Cavendish Knights, which claims to be the only non-sexual escort agency in the UK. With over 500 men to choose from between the ages of 20 and 60, all promising your ideal night out, I was intrigued. “We have 2,112 female members on our books,” said Tony Perry, 47, the owner of Cavendish Knights. ” Most of them are professional women who hire an escort for a guaranteed great date. “We have quite a few divorcees on our books and they hire an escort to get back into dating or because they’re fed up with men who treat them badly.”
For £65 an hour it’s not cheap – but the prospect of a perfect date is worth forking out for. “We have businessmen, artists and actors on our books,” adds Tony. “All of them are educated and thoroughly checked out by us. They even go through a police check and we never take anyone with a criminal record.” I scroll through the pages of men, some posing cheesily, others grinning from ear to ear. Eventually I go for Rob, a good-looking 28 year old who ‘believes in the dying art of being a gentleman.’ Tony gives me his details and I gabble to Rob about where we should meet. We settle for outside a bar in London the following night…
First Impressions?
Although the agency recommends the escort wears a red dot on his left lapel, I know what Rob will look like from the web site, so there’s no need for secret codes. He’s waiting outside the bar when I arrive suited and booted. On closer inspection, there’s no denying he’s model material. He’s a looker but seemed reassuringly normal – not what I had expected · Does he pay? Hovering at the bar, I didn’t know whether to buy a round, or let him do the honors. Rob quickly offered to buy me a drink – he pays for a couple of drinks but usually the clients pay for meals. “I feel awful when a woman pays,” he said. “But that’s the way it works with the agency.”
The way to any woman’s heart is to give her a compliment. “You look gorgeous,” Rob said as I took a large slug of vodka to gain some Dutch courage. “I bet you say that to all the girls,” I laughed, cringing at my cheesy line. He just smiled and started chatting about my day. He seemed so at ease – and I relaxed when he said he had only been an escort for four months.
I can’t help wondering why he got into the game in the first place. Was cash the reason? “My friends keep asking me to pretend to be there boyfriend at weddings,” he said. “So I thought, why not make some money from it?” Single for the last two years, there was no girlfriend to stop him. “I also love meeting women,” he says. “There’s something beautiful about everyone, so I think o could fall in love with them all in some way.”
A graduate who has set up his own engineering business – Rob’s got brains and brawn. “Escorting helps me raise extra cash,” he explained. “And I learn more about life from it.”
I am client number 21 – the youngest he’s seen. Of the women he takes out most are in there 30s and 40s. Does he think they are desperate? “Not at all,” he says. “Most lack confidence because they’ve been treated badly by men. I hope I restore their faith a little. I try my hardest to do that by being positive and interested in their lives.”
The question I’m dying to ask – does he do ‘extras’ if the price is right? “No, I don’t!” he smiles. “There are agencies that provide sex, we don’t.” Hmm. Not even for a wad of cash? “No,” he says again. “I do sometimes fancy the client and vice versa, but that just helps the evening go well.”
As my evening clocks up into hundreds of pounds in fees, I begin to understand why women hire guys – there’s no relationship hassle involved and you are in control. Rob is the perfect escort for any woman – he’s almost too good to be true…
interested in becoming a cavendish knights male escort – click here