Cavendish Knights Media Coverage

As seen in GQ Magazine August 2011
Text in bold refers to Cavendish Knights. Are those earnings looking precarious right now? Perhaps you escaped the latest office cull, but there’s no guarantee that job will be around this time next year. As for a bonus? Unless you’re one of those golden men at...

Media Articles – As seen in The Sun
Tuesday May 3 2005 My date with a legal male escort By Caroline Palmer They say money can't buy you love - but thanks to the male escort agencies if you have the cash at least you can buy a man. Just don’t expect him to come home with you at the end of the evening -...

Media Articles – As seen in Scotland on Sunday – 22 Dec 2002
Situations vacant: Just a tartan gigolo by CLAIRE GARDNER Keeping good company: Scotland has a growing market for professional male escorts, however Rab C Nesbitt types need not apply. A NEW skills shortage is threatening Scotland: we don’t have enough ‘gigolos’....

Media Articles – As seen in Daily Telegraph
At £100 an hour, my knight didn't come cheap - but he was perfect! It has all the potential to be a humiliating disaster. Indeed I'm absolutely convinced it will be. I have been invited to the Laurent-Perrier annual pink party, a glitzy celebrity bash at the Sanderson...

Media Articles – As seen in Good Housekeeping Nov 2004
Good Housekeeping Article November 2004 - Vivienne Parry ‘Hello. I’d like a man in his mid-40s who has good teeth, nice manners and looks great in a suit. Can I pay by cheque?’ Just because you’re single, there’s no need to miss out on candle lit meals or a partner...

Media Articles – As seen in Glamour Magazine
Can a male escort fool. . . By Catherine Townsend He costs £65 an hour, but could this male escort convince Catherine Townsend’s four nosy friends he’s her new boyfriend? My palms are sweating as I enter the restaurant to meet my blind date. Not only have I never met...

Media Articles – As seen in SHE Magazine Nov 2004
Perfect man for hire The Male Escort business is booming, but what makes a woman pay for a stranger’s company? FEATURE: HEATHER BISHOP AND SIÂN REES Here’s a modern dilemma for women - you’re invited to a work function or wedding and the invite is "plus one," but...

Media Articles – As seen in Daily Star Sunday Take 5 – 26th September 2004
You can literally buy anything on the Internet - including a man for the night! But do male escorts make a perfect date, or are they just for show? Take5’s Amy Bratley Hired one to find out… If you type "male escort" into a search engine on the web, a mind-boggling...

Media Articles – As seen in Daily Mail
Confessions of a thirty - something career girl who pays for a male escort Hands trembling, Joanna Whiteley nervously took a sip of wine from her glass. She hoped it would calm her nerves as she waited in a bar for her first date with Steve, a thirtysomething IT...

Media Articles – As seen in Portsmouth Lifestyle
The night I hired the company Why do women hire male escorts - and what’s it like for the man for hire? As a new film about escorts hits the big screen, Nadine Bateman meets one in a cafe - and discovers what is, and isn’t, on the menu. AS I RELAX outside the...
Cavendish Knights are featured in GQ magazine. click here to read it